Chuang, Y., Zargoush, M., Ghazalbash, S., Samiedaluie, S. (2022). “A Machine Learning-Enabled Optimization for Long-Term Care Placements Among Older Adults with Delayed Discharge”. Productions & Operations Management.
Ghazalbash, S., Zargoush, M., Mowbray, F., Costa, A. (2022). “Impact of multimorbidity and frailty on adverse outcomes among older delayed discharge patients: implications for healthcare policy”; Health Policy.
Ghazalbash, S., Zargoush, M., Mowbray, F., & Papaioannou, A. (2021). “Examining the Predictability and Prognostication of Multimorbidity Among Older Delayed-Discharge Patients: A Machine Learning Analytics”. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 104597. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2021.104597.
Zargoush, M., Sameh, A., Javadi, M., Shabani, S., Ghazalbash, S., Perri, D. (2021). “On the Significance of Recency and Adequacy of Historical Information in Early Predictions of Sepsis: Machine Learning Insights”, Nature Scientific Report.
Nouei, M. T., Kamyad, A. V., Sarzaeem, M., & Ghazalbash, S. (2016). “Fuzzy risk assessment of mortality after coronary surgery using a combination of adaptive neuro‐fuzzy inference system and K‐means clustering”. Expert Systems, John Wiley & Sons. DOI: 10.1111/exsy.12145.
Nouei, M. T., Kamyad, A. V., Sarzaeem, M., & Ghazalbash, S. (2014). “Developing a genetic fuzzy system for risk assessment of mortality after cardiac surgery”. Journal of medical systems, 38(10), 1-9, DOI: 10.1007/s10916-014-0102-5.
Nouei, M. T., Kamyad, A. V., Soroush, A. R., & Ghazalbash, S. (2015). “A comprehensive operating room information system using the Kinect sensors and RFID”. Journal of clinical monitoring and computing, 29(2), 251-261. DOI: 10.1007/s10877-014-9591-5.
Ghazalbash, S., Sepehri, M. M., Shadpour, P., & Atighehchian, A. (2012). “Operating room scheduling in teaching hospitals”. Advances in Operations Research, Hindawi. DOI: 10.1155/2012/548493.
Journal Articles-Under preparation
Ghazalbash, S., Zargoush, M., Verter, V. (2022). “Data-Driven Decision-Making Modeling of Continuity of Care: Predictive and Economic Investigations of Care Fragmentation in the Aging Population”. Prepared to submit to “Production and Operation Management” journal. Status: under submission (90%)
Zargoush, M., Ghazalbash, S. “A Bayesian Clinical Decision Support for Personalized Treatment Pathways of Type 2 Diabetes”. Under preparation for submission to the Decision Support Systems (A*-rank journal on the ABDC list). Status: drafting (80%)
Zargoush, M., Ghazalbash, S. “Semi-Markov Chains Simplify Analysis of Complex Sequence of Events: Application of Big Data Analysis in Operations Management”. Under preparation for submission to the Productions & Operations Management (FT50-listed journal). Status: drafting (80%)
Zargoush, M., Madani, M., Ghazalbash, S. “Measurement of Catastrophic Risks for Functional Disability”, Under preparation for submission to the International Journal of Medical Informatics (A-rank journal on the ABDC list). Status: Interpretation (40%)
Zargoush, M., Hameed, D., Ghazalbash, S. “Determinants of Delayed Discharge among Older Adults in Canada: ALongitudinal Socioeconomic Perspective”, Under preparation for submission to the Health Policy(A-rank journal on the ABDC list). Status: drafting (70%)
Ghazalbash, S., Zargoush, M., Ahmadi, F., “Machine Learning Predictions of Alternate Level of Care (ALC) in Canada: From Emergency Department to the in-Hospital Stage”, Under preparation for submission to International Journal of Medical Informatics (A-rank journal on the ABDC list). Status: drafting (65%)
Christopher, D., Grewal, K., Ghazalbash, S., Mowbray, F., Zargoush, M., de Wit, K., “Identifying which emergency department patients should be tested for pulmonary embolism,” Under preparation for submission International Journal of Medical Informatics (A-rank journal on the ABDC list). Status: Analysis (50%)
Ghazalbash, S., Zargoush, M. (2021). “Adverse outcomes among delayed-discharge older patients with multimorbidity and frailty”. Accepted abstract in the Special Issue on “Multiple Chronic Conditions” (sponsored by Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)) and invited for full-paper submission by Health Services Research.
Ghazalbash, S., Zargoush, M. (2021). “Developing Personalized Treatment Pathways of Type-II Diabetes through Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics“, Accepted abstract inCanadian Operational Research Society (CORS), June 7−10, 2021, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Ghazalbash, S., Mulvale, G. (2020). “An Integrated Framework for Comprehensive Policy Analysis: The Case of Iranian National Hospital Accreditation.”; Accepted abstract in CAHSPR, May 26-28, 2020 in Saskatoon, Canada.
Zargoush, M., Alemi, F., Ghazalbash, S. (2018).“Experience of Disability Among Older Adults”; Accepted abstract in INFORMS annual meeting, Phoenix, AZ, November 4-7, 2018.
Ghazalbash, S., Nouei, M., A. V. Kamyad, M.R. Sarzaeem. (2017). “Online Hierarchical Fuzzy Expert System for Mortality Risk Assessment after Cardiac surgery”; Accepted abstract in IEEE Technically Sponsored Computing Conference, 2017.
Ghazalbash, S., Kamyad, A. V., Sarzaeem M.R. (2013). “Fuzzy Clustering Analysis of Risk Factors for Mortality after CABG Based on AHP”; Accepted abstract in ORAHS 2013 – Operational Research Applied to Health Services. Istanbul, Turkey.
Ghazalbash, S., Sepehri, MM., Shadpour, P., Atighehchian, A. (2011). “Optimizing a Multiple Objective Operating Room Scheduling in Teaching Hospitals”; Accepted abstract in the 21st International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making .13–17 June 2011, Jyvaskyla, Finland.
Ghazalbash, S., Sepehri, MM., Atighehchian, A. (2011). “Optimization of Surgery Scheduling in Teaching Hospitals”; Accepted abstract in INFORMSHEALTHCARE Conference 2011.20-22 June, Montreal, Canada.